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Adeno-Associated Virus
Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) belongs to the family of parvovirus and is a non-enveloped single-stranded DNA virus, with a genome size of 4.7 kb composed of two open reading frames (ORFs) flanked by inverted terminal repeat sequences (ITRs) of 145 nucleotides each. AAV vectors are one of the most commonly used vectors for a variety of gene therapy applications and have been widely used in clinics and basic research mainly owing to their capable of transducing a wide range of species and tissues in vivo with no evidence of toxicity, and it generates relatively mild innate and adaptive immune responses as well as their long-term transgene expression and steady physical properties.
Characteristics of AAV Vectors
AAV has shown non-pathogenicity in humans and been used to deliver genetic material into target cells to cure or treat disease.
Long-lasting expression
AAV has low immunogenic profile and allowing transgene expression to be persisted for at least 6 months.
A wide range of species and tissues in vivo
AAV has a high titer, reaching levels of over 10^13 viral genomes per milliliter, and is capable of transducing a wide range of species and tissues in vivo with no evidence of toxicity.
Hanbio offers the following AAV services

1.Customized overexpression and interference of common genes

2.AAV vectors with tissue-specific promoters

3.AAV vectors of CRISPR/Cas9

4.AAV vectors of optogenetics, chemogenetics, calcium indicators, blood-brain barrier-crossing and retrograde tracing

5.AAV vectors of DIO or Cre with tissue-specific

AAV Vestors
No. Regulation Vector Name Prokaryotic antibiotic Fluorescence-Labelled Promoter
AAV001 OE pHBAAV-CMV-MCS-3flag-T2A-ZsGreen Ampicillin ZsGreen CMV
AAV003 OE pHBAAV-CMV-MCS-3flag-EF1-ZsGreen Ampicillin ZsGreen CMV
AAV004 OE pHBAAV-CAG-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen Ampicillin ZsGreen CAG
AAV006 OE pHBAAV-CAG-MCS-T2A-mCherry Ampicillin mCherry CAG
AAV026 OE pHBAAV-CMV-MCS-T2A-mCherry Ampicillin mCherry CMV
AAV071 OE pHBAAV-CMV-MCS-3flag Ampicillin not have CMV
AAV123 OE pHBAAV-CMV-MCS-P2A-Luc2 Ampicillin Luciferase CMV
AAV007 OE-cre pHBAAV-CAG-DIO-MCS-T2A-ZsGreen Ampicillin ZsGreen CAG
AAV008 OE-cre pHBAAV-CAG-DIO-MCS-T2A-mCherry Ampicillin mCherry CAG
AAV027 OE-cre pHBAAV-CMV-DIO-MCS Ampicillin not have CMV
AAV028 OE-cre pHBAAV-CMV-DIO-MCS-T2Am-ZsGreen Ampicillin ZsGreen CMV
AAV030 OE-cre pHBAAV-CAG-DIO-MCS Ampicillin not have CAG
AAV020 RNAi pHBAAV-U6-MCS-CMV-mCherry Ampicillin mCherry U6
AAV036 RNAi pHBAAV-U6-MCS-CMV-ZsGreen Ampicillin ZsGreen U6
AAV074 RNAi pHBAAV-U6-MCS-CMV-eRFP Ampicillin eRFP U6
AAV121 RNAi pHBAAV-U6-MCS Ampicillin not have U6
AAV122 RNAi pHBAAV-U6-MCS-CMV-Luc Ampicillin Luciferase U6
AAV023 Cas9/gRNA pHBAAV-CMV-Sacas9-U6-gRNA Ampicillin not have U6
AAV serotypes for Different tissues
Tissues Serotypes
Heart AAV9
Liver AAV8/AAV9
Brain (traverse the blood brain barrier) AAV-BBB
Brain(partial delivery) AAV9/AAV2/AAV5
Retrograde delivery AAV-Retro
Spinal Cord AAV5/AAV1/AAV9
Adipose Tissue AAV9
Skeletal Muscle AAV9
Lung AAV6
Kidney AAV2/AAV9
Intestine AAV1/AAV5
Blood Vessels (mainly endothelium) AAV1/AAV5
Pancrea AAV8
Tissue-specific promoters
Tissues Promoter Characteristics
Neurons hSyn Neuron-specific promoter
mecp2 Shorter neuron-specific promoter
c-fos Excitatory neuron promoter
CaMKllα Forebrain excitatory neurons
Nms Neural precursor cell-specific promoter
TUBA1A (Tα1) Early neuron-specific promoter
hVGAT GABAergic neuron/interneuron-specific promoter
TH Dopaminergic neuron-specific promoter
gfaABC1D (minimal GFAP) Astrocyte-specific promoter
CD68 Activated microglia-specific promoter
ibal Activated and resting microglia-specific promoter
TMEM119 Microglia-specific promoter
CNP (NPPC) Oligodendrocyte or Schwann cell-specific promoter
MBP Oligodendrocyte-specific promoter
PLP Oligodendrocyte-specific promoter
Pdgfra Oligodendrocyte precursor cell-specific promoter
NG2 Oligodendrocyte precursor cell-specific promoter
Pirt Sensory neuron-specific promoter
ALDH1L1 L1 Hypothalamic astrocyte-specific promoter
Heart cTNT Cardiomyocyte-specific promoter
POSTN Cardiac fibroblast-specific promoter
TCF21 Cardiac fibroblast-specific promoter
Muscle MHCK7 Muscle-specific promoter
SM22a Smooth muscle-specific promoter
MHCK7 Muscle-specific promoter
ACTA1 (synthesized Spc5-12) Muscle cell-specific promoter
Cardiac fibroblast-specific promoter
Lung SP-C (SFTPC) Lung epithelial cell-specific promoter
Liver TBG Liver-specific promoter
Kidney nphs1 Kidney podocyte-specific promoter
nphs Kidney podocyte-specific promoter
Ksp-cadherin Renal tubular epithelial cell-specific promoter
Pancrea padx1(pdx1) Pancreas-specific promoter
Insulin2 Pancreas-specific promoter
Adipose Tissue FABP4 (aP2) Adipocyte-specific promoter
adiponectin Adipocyte-specific promoter
UCP1 Brown adipocyte-specific promoter
Myf5 Adipocyte precursor cell-specific promoter
Endothelium TIE Endothelial cell-specific promoter
Retina rpe65 Retina-specific promoter
Arr3 Retinal cone cell-specific promoter
hrk Retinal cone and rod cell-specific promoter
Prostate DD3 Prostate cancer cell-specific promoter
Skin Keratin14(K14) Skin epidermal cell-specific promoter
K14 Keratin promoter
Macrophages F4/80 Macrophage-specific promoter
Bone COL2A1 Chondrocyte-specific promoter
Stem Cells Nanog Pluripotent stem cell promoter
AAV serotypes for specific tissues
Serotype Name Specific Cells
AAV-shH10 Retinal Müller cells
AAV-Vec Endothelial cells
AAV-MG Microglia
AAV-MG1.2 Microglia
AAV-br1 Brain vascular endothelial cells
AAV-BI30 Brain vascular endothelial cells
AAV-eVEC Peripheral vascular endothelial cells
AAV-anc80L Retina/Inner ear
AAV-ie Inner ear
AAV-BBB traverse the blood brain barrier
AAV-GL Retina
AAV-NN Retina
AAV-capB10 Brain
AAV-BLS Bladder
AAV Infection Examples

Selected Customer Publications
Moderate UV Exposure Enhances Learning and Memory by Promoting a Novel Glutamate Biosynthetic Pathway in the Brain
(CELL(IF=64.5, 2018), University of Science and Technology of China)
LECT2, a Ligand for Tie1, Plays a Crucial Role in Liver Fibrogenesis
(CELL(IF=64.5, 2019), Southern Medical University)
Local hyperthermia therapy induces browning of white fat and treats obesity
(CELL(IF=64.5, 2022),East China Normal University)
Neuraminidase 1 is a driver of experimental cardiac hypertrophy
(European Heart Journal(IF=29.983, 2021), China Pharmaceutical University)
Targeting E3 Ubiquitin-Ligase WWP1 Prevents Cardiac Hypertrophy Through Destabilizing DVL2 via Inhibition of K27-Linked Ubiquitination
(CIRCULATION(IF=29.690, 2021),China Astronaut Research and Training Center)
N6-methyladenosine-modified TRAF1 promotes sunitinib resistance by regulating apoptosis and angiogenesis in a METTL14-dependent manner in renal cell carcinoma
(Molecular Cancer(IF=27.401, 2022),Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine)
Sja-miR-71a in Schistosome egg-derived extracellular vesicles suppresses liver fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis via targeting semaphorin 4D
(Journal of Extracellular Vesicles(IF=25.841, 2020),Sun Yat-sen University)
Transcriptional switch of hepatocytes initiates macrophage recruitment and T cell suppression in endotoxemia
(Journal of Hepatology(IF=25.083, 2022),The Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University)
TRIB3 Interacts With β-Catenin and TCF4 to Increase Stem Cell Features of Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells and Tumorigenesis
(Gastroenterology(IF=22.682, 2019),Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College)
Reducing Hypothalamic Stem Cell Senescence Protects against Aging-Associated Physiological Decline
(Cell Metabolism(IF=21.567, 2020),Xiangya Hospital of Central South University)
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